How to recover your VMware ESX root password

I just came across a blog which linked my SRM in a box document. It was started a few days ago and is called:

Lewan-Ent Sytems and storage blog

Browsing around i found an excelent post about how to recover your root account in ESX.
Some times i come around customers and they installed ESX a long time ago and can’t remember the password. Or they only manage esx with vCenter with the administrator password so they forget the root password.

I suggest you print this one in pdf format and carry it along with you, just in case you might need this!

You can find this post here:

1 thought on “How to recover your VMware ESX root password

  1. Hi, great site I just stumbled onto this place.
    Just so you know, the link here is now dead as author removed.

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